Credits Compensation

Compensation of subjects in Grado's teaching is the responsibility of the Compensation Tribunal of the University of Granada.

Students who lack a single subject to complete the studies of the corresponding Degree can apply for the curricular compensation, as long as they fulfill the following requirements:

  • To be enrolled in the subject to curricular compensation.

  • To have attended at least 60% of the curriculum of his degree at the University of Granada.

  • To have exhausted at least four calls, the last one before the Tribunal , and to have obtained in at least two of them a final grade equal or superior to 3 points out of 10.

  • The number of credits of the subject to be compensated can not exceed 5% of the total academic load of the Degree.

All information regarding this procedure can be found in Title VIII of the Regulation of  Evaluation and Qualification of Students of the University of Granada, which you can find in the Regulations section of this website.