The purpose of this Teaching Guide is to provide information to the students, teachers and administrative and service staff of the Advanced Technical School for Building Engineering of the University of Granada and to the university community in general about the current Study Plans, of the contents and organization of the subjects taught in the 2010-11 academic year, the programming of classrooms and examinations, teachers and departments involved in teaching, as well as the organization of the School, the services that are offered and other activities that are developed in it. Most of the information presented here has been extracted from the ETSIE and UGR web pages, extracted and ordered according to the interests of the student with the intention of giving him the greatest possible utility.
In spite of the many corrections made, we are sure that many errors have been forgotten and we trust in the goodness of the user who will know how to pardon. We are aware that some of the information collected has been updated and therefore obsolete, so this address does not give this document official status, but must be used with the relevant reserves.
Welcome to the University, we share effort and enthusiasm in achieving the common goal, knowledge , without giving up complementary activities that enrich us as human beings in that daily and solemn act of living.