Leopoldo Gutiérrez Gutiérrez
Catedrático de Universidad
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Campus Universitario de Cartuja
958241000 ext. 20174
Timetable for personal attention
First semester
11:00 - 12:30
Empresariales Desp. A218
15:30 - 18:00
Empresariales Desp. A218
12:30 - 14:30
Empresariales Desp. A218
Second semester
10:30 - 13:30
Empresariales Desp. A218
10:30 - 13:30
Empresariales Desp. A218
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management
Operations Management 2
Bachelor's Degree in Building+ Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering + Bachelor's Degree in Business Administrat.And Management
Operations Management 1
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management+ Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
Operations Management 1
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Economics
- Quality Management
Master's Degree in Civil Engineering + Master's Degree in Economics
Courses of the Master's Degree in Economics - Quality Management
Master's Degree in Economics
Module 2: Second Semester - Quality Management
Líneas de investigación / Research lines:
- Dirección de Operaciones
- Lean Management, Gestión de la calidad
- Capacidades dinámicas
- Sostenibilidad
Principales publicaciones / Main publications:
- Siefan, S.; Antony, J.; Nayyas, A.; Omar, M.; Swarnakar, V.; Lameijer, B.; Gutierrez, L.; Chakraborty, A.; Andersen, B. Maalouf, M. (2024): ¿The impact of Operational Excellence methodologies on sustainable performance in the service sector: a systematic literature review¿, Production Planning and Control, Forthcoming
- Durach, C. and Gutierrez, L. (2024): ¿"Hello, this is your AI co-pilot" ¿ Operational Implications of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots¿, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol.54, n.3, pp.229-246.
- Rescalvo-Martin, S.E.; Karatepe, O.; Gutierrez, L. and Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2024): ¿Effects of leader behaviors on extra-role proactive service: The role of cultural tightness-looseness¿, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.117, p.103649
- Valero-Gil, J.; Surroca, J.; Tribo, J.; Gutierrez, L. and Montiel, I. (2023): "Innovation vs. Standardization: the conjoint effects of eco-innovation and environmental management systems on environmental performance", Research Policy, Vol.52, n.4, pp.104737
- Lopez-Morales, B.; Gutierrez, L.; Llorens-Montes, F.J. and Rojo-Gallego-Burin, A. (2023): ¿Enhancing supply chain competences through supply chain digital embeddedness: an institutional view¿, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol.38, n.3, pp.533-552.
- Barrales-Molina, V.; Gutierrez, L.; Riquelme-Medina, M. (2023): "International breadth in coopetition and innovation performance: Evidence from the Spanish biotechnology industry", Industry & Innovation, Vol.30, n.2, p.286-309.
- Sancha, C.; Gutierrez, L.; Tamayo-Torres, I. and Gimenez, C. (2023): "From corporate governance to sustainability outcomes: the key role of Operations Management", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.43, n.3, pp.27-49
- Rescalvo-Martin, S. E.; Gutierrez, L.; Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2022): ¿Extra-role service under pressure in the hospitality industry: The role of mindfulness¿, Tourism Management Perspectives.
- Sony, M.; Antony, J.; Tortorella G.; McDermott, O. and Gutierrez, L. (2022): "Determining the critical failure factors for Industry 4.0: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method Study", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
- Gutierrez, L.; Lameijer, B., Anand, G.; Antony, J. and Vijaya, S. (2022): "Beyond efficiency: The role of lean practices and cultures in developing dynamic capabilities microfoundations", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.42, n.13, p.506-536.
- Gutierrez, L., Montiel, I., Surroca, J. and Tribo, J. (2022): "Rainbow wash or rainbow revolution? Dynamic stakeholder engagement for SDG-driven responsible innovation", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.180, n.4, pp.1113-1136.
- Fernandez-Giordano, M.; Gutierrez, L., Llorens-Montes, J. and Choi, T. (2022): "Stratified View of Institutional Fit", British Journal of Management. Vol.33, pp.1499¿1516.
- Fernandez-Giordano, M.; Stevenson, M., Gutierrez, L. and Llorens-Montes, J. (2022): "Antecedents of a Firm¿s Supply Chain Agility: The Roles of a Transactive Memory System and Supply Network Flexibility", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. Vol.27, n.5, pp.637-662.
- Sony, M.; Antony, J. and Gutierrez, L. (2022): "An Empirical Study into the Limitations and Emerging Trends of Six Sigma: Findings from a Global Survey", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol.69, n.5, pp.2088-2101.
- Rescalvo-Martin, S. E.; Gutierrez, L.; Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2021): ¿The effect of paradoxical leadership on extra-role service in the hospitality industry¿, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol.33, n.10, pp.3661-3684.
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Antony, J. (2020): "Continuous improvement initiatives for dynamic capabilities development: A systematic literature review", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol.11, n.1, pp.125-149.
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Barrales-Molina, V.; Fernandez-Giordano, M. and López-Morales, B. (2020): "Six Sigma for dynamic capabilities development: becoming more flexible organizations", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol.11, n.1, pp.35-56. 2020
- Tamayo Torres, I.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Ruiz Moreno, A. (2019): ¿Boosting sustainability and financial performance: The role of Supply Chain controversies¿. International Journal of Production Research. Vol.57, n.11, pp.3719-3734.
- Cabeza-Pullés, D.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2018): ¿Drivers for performance in innovative research groups: The mediating role of Transactive Memory System¿. BRQ Business Research Quarterly. Vol.21, n.3, pp.180-194.
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Barrales-Molina, V. and Kaynak, H. (2018): ¿The Role of Human Resource-Related Quality Management Practices in New Product Development: A Dynamic Capability Perspective¿. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol.38, n.1, pp.43-66.
- Herzallah, A.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Muñoz Rosas, J.F. (2017): ¿Quality ambidexterity, competitive strategies, and financial performance: An empirical study in industrial firms". International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol.37, n.12, pp.1496-1519.
- Alcaide Muñoz, C. and Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. (2017): ¿Six Sigma and organizational ambidexterity: a systematic review and conceptual framework". International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol.8, n.4, pp. 436-456. Premio ¿Highly Commended paper¿ publicado en International Journal of Lean Six Sigma y otorgado por la Editoral Emerald Publishing Group.
- Cabezas Puges, D.; Lloréns Montes, F.J. and Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. (2016): ¿Network Ties and Transactive Memory Systems: Leadership as an Enabler¿. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. Vol.38, n.1, pp.56-73.
- Tamayo Torres, I.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Lloréns Montes, F.J. and Martínez López, Francisco José (2016): ¿Organizational Learning and Innovation as sources of Strategic Fit¿. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol.116, n.8, pp.1145-1467
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; De Leeuw, S. and Dubbers, R. (2016): ¿Logistics services and Lean Six Sigma implementation: a case study". International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol. 7, n.3, pp.324-342. Premio ¿Highly Commended paper¿ publicado en International Journal of Lean Six Sigma y otorgado por la Editoral Emerald Publishing Group. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLSS-05-2015-0019
- Cabezas Puges, D.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Lloréns Montes, F.J. (2016): ¿Quality Management and collective mind: investigating university R&D from a group focus¿. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol.28, n.3, pp.305-322. 2016 Impact factor: 1.273 Q3 123/194
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Barrales Molina, V. and Tamayo Torres, J. (2016): ¿The knowledge transfer process in Six Sigma subsidiary firms¿, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.27, n.5/6, pp.613-627.
- Barrales-Molina, V.; Gutiérrez Gutierrez, L. and Lloréns Montes, F.J. (2015): Dynamic capabilities, human resources and operating routines: a new product development approach. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol.115, n.8, pp.1388-1421.
- Ahmad M.; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J. and Muñoz Rosas, J.F. (2014): Total quality management practices, competitive strategies and financial performance: the case of the Palestinian industrial SMEs. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.25, n.5/6, pp.635-649.
- Tamayo-Torres J.; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J. and Ruiz Moreno, A. (2014): The Relationship between Exploration and Exploitation Strategies, Manufacturing Flexibility, and Organizational Learning: An Empirical Comparison between Non-ISO and ISO Certified Firms. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol.232, n.1, pp.72-86.
- Barrales Molina, V.; Bustinza Sánchez, O.F. and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J. (2013): Explaining the causes and effects of dynamic capabilities generation: a multiple indicator multiple case modeling approach. British Journal of Management. Vol.24, n.4, pp.571-591.
- Fernández Pérez, Virginia and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo (2013): External managerial networks, strategic flexibility and organizational learning: A comparative study between Non-QM, ISO and TQM firms. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.24, n.3/4, pp.243-258.
- Cabezas Puges, D.; Gutiérrez Gutierrez, L. and Lloréns Montes, F.J. (2013): Transactive Memory System and QM: Exploring Knowledge capacities. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol. 113, n.2, pp.294-318.
- Jiménez-Barrionuevo, M.M.; García-Morales, V.J. and Gutierrez Gutierrez, L. (2012): Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation. Journal of Business Research. Vol.65, n.7, pp.1040-1050.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J.; Bustinza Sánchez, O.F. and Barrales Molina, V. (2012): Six Sigma, absorptive capacity and organizational learning orientation. International Journal of Production Research. Vol.50, n.3, pp.661-675.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo and Fernández Pérez, Virginia (2010): Managerial networks and strategic flexibility: A QM perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol.110, n.8, pp.1192-1214.
- Bustinza Sánchez, Óscar; Arias Aranda, D. and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L. (2010): Outsourcing, competitive capabilities and performance: an empirical study in service firms. International Journal of Production Economics. Vol.126, n.2, pp.276-288.
- Bustinza Sánchez, Óscar; Molina Fernández, L.M. and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L. (2010): Outsourcing as seen from the perspective of knowledge management. Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol.46, n.3, pp.23-39.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo J.; Tamayo Torres, I. and Barrales Molina, V. (2010): Quality Management Initiatives in Europe: an Empirical Analysis according to Their Structural Elements. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.21, n.6, pp.577-601.
- Tamayo Torres, Ignacio; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo J. and Haro Domínguez, María del Carmen (2010): Innovation and operative real options as ways to affect organisational learning. International Journal of Technology Management. Vol.49, n.4, pp.421-438.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo J., Lloréns-Montes F.J. and Bustinza Sánchez, Óscar (2009): Six Sigma: From a goal-theoretic perspective to shared-vision development. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.29, n.2, pp.151-169.
- Dirección de Operaciones
- Lean Management, Gestión de la calidad
- Capacidades dinámicas
- Sostenibilidad
Principales publicaciones / Main publications:
- Siefan, S.; Antony, J.; Nayyas, A.; Omar, M.; Swarnakar, V.; Lameijer, B.; Gutierrez, L.; Chakraborty, A.; Andersen, B. Maalouf, M. (2024): ¿The impact of Operational Excellence methodologies on sustainable performance in the service sector: a systematic literature review¿, Production Planning and Control, Forthcoming
- Durach, C. and Gutierrez, L. (2024): ¿"Hello, this is your AI co-pilot" ¿ Operational Implications of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots¿, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol.54, n.3, pp.229-246.
- Rescalvo-Martin, S.E.; Karatepe, O.; Gutierrez, L. and Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2024): ¿Effects of leader behaviors on extra-role proactive service: The role of cultural tightness-looseness¿, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.117, p.103649
- Valero-Gil, J.; Surroca, J.; Tribo, J.; Gutierrez, L. and Montiel, I. (2023): "Innovation vs. Standardization: the conjoint effects of eco-innovation and environmental management systems on environmental performance", Research Policy, Vol.52, n.4, pp.104737
- Lopez-Morales, B.; Gutierrez, L.; Llorens-Montes, F.J. and Rojo-Gallego-Burin, A. (2023): ¿Enhancing supply chain competences through supply chain digital embeddedness: an institutional view¿, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol.38, n.3, pp.533-552.
- Barrales-Molina, V.; Gutierrez, L.; Riquelme-Medina, M. (2023): "International breadth in coopetition and innovation performance: Evidence from the Spanish biotechnology industry", Industry & Innovation, Vol.30, n.2, p.286-309.
- Sancha, C.; Gutierrez, L.; Tamayo-Torres, I. and Gimenez, C. (2023): "From corporate governance to sustainability outcomes: the key role of Operations Management", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.43, n.3, pp.27-49
- Rescalvo-Martin, S. E.; Gutierrez, L.; Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2022): ¿Extra-role service under pressure in the hospitality industry: The role of mindfulness¿, Tourism Management Perspectives.
- Sony, M.; Antony, J.; Tortorella G.; McDermott, O. and Gutierrez, L. (2022): "Determining the critical failure factors for Industry 4.0: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method Study", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
- Gutierrez, L.; Lameijer, B., Anand, G.; Antony, J. and Vijaya, S. (2022): "Beyond efficiency: The role of lean practices and cultures in developing dynamic capabilities microfoundations", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.42, n.13, p.506-536.
- Gutierrez, L., Montiel, I., Surroca, J. and Tribo, J. (2022): "Rainbow wash or rainbow revolution? Dynamic stakeholder engagement for SDG-driven responsible innovation", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.180, n.4, pp.1113-1136.
- Fernandez-Giordano, M.; Gutierrez, L., Llorens-Montes, J. and Choi, T. (2022): "Stratified View of Institutional Fit", British Journal of Management. Vol.33, pp.1499¿1516.
- Fernandez-Giordano, M.; Stevenson, M., Gutierrez, L. and Llorens-Montes, J. (2022): "Antecedents of a Firm¿s Supply Chain Agility: The Roles of a Transactive Memory System and Supply Network Flexibility", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. Vol.27, n.5, pp.637-662.
- Sony, M.; Antony, J. and Gutierrez, L. (2022): "An Empirical Study into the Limitations and Emerging Trends of Six Sigma: Findings from a Global Survey", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol.69, n.5, pp.2088-2101.
- Rescalvo-Martin, S. E.; Gutierrez, L.; Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2021): ¿The effect of paradoxical leadership on extra-role service in the hospitality industry¿, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol.33, n.10, pp.3661-3684.
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Antony, J. (2020): "Continuous improvement initiatives for dynamic capabilities development: A systematic literature review", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol.11, n.1, pp.125-149.
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Barrales-Molina, V.; Fernandez-Giordano, M. and López-Morales, B. (2020): "Six Sigma for dynamic capabilities development: becoming more flexible organizations", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol.11, n.1, pp.35-56. 2020
- Tamayo Torres, I.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Ruiz Moreno, A. (2019): ¿Boosting sustainability and financial performance: The role of Supply Chain controversies¿. International Journal of Production Research. Vol.57, n.11, pp.3719-3734.
- Cabeza-Pullés, D.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Llorens-Montes, F.J. (2018): ¿Drivers for performance in innovative research groups: The mediating role of Transactive Memory System¿. BRQ Business Research Quarterly. Vol.21, n.3, pp.180-194.
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Barrales-Molina, V. and Kaynak, H. (2018): ¿The Role of Human Resource-Related Quality Management Practices in New Product Development: A Dynamic Capability Perspective¿. International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol.38, n.1, pp.43-66.
- Herzallah, A.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Muñoz Rosas, J.F. (2017): ¿Quality ambidexterity, competitive strategies, and financial performance: An empirical study in industrial firms". International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol.37, n.12, pp.1496-1519.
- Alcaide Muñoz, C. and Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. (2017): ¿Six Sigma and organizational ambidexterity: a systematic review and conceptual framework". International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol.8, n.4, pp. 436-456. Premio ¿Highly Commended paper¿ publicado en International Journal of Lean Six Sigma y otorgado por la Editoral Emerald Publishing Group.
- Cabezas Puges, D.; Lloréns Montes, F.J. and Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. (2016): ¿Network Ties and Transactive Memory Systems: Leadership as an Enabler¿. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. Vol.38, n.1, pp.56-73.
- Tamayo Torres, I.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Lloréns Montes, F.J. and Martínez López, Francisco José (2016): ¿Organizational Learning and Innovation as sources of Strategic Fit¿. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol.116, n.8, pp.1145-1467
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; De Leeuw, S. and Dubbers, R. (2016): ¿Logistics services and Lean Six Sigma implementation: a case study". International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol. 7, n.3, pp.324-342. Premio ¿Highly Commended paper¿ publicado en International Journal of Lean Six Sigma y otorgado por la Editoral Emerald Publishing Group. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLSS-05-2015-0019
- Cabezas Puges, D.; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L. and Lloréns Montes, F.J. (2016): ¿Quality Management and collective mind: investigating university R&D from a group focus¿. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol.28, n.3, pp.305-322. 2016 Impact factor: 1.273 Q3 123/194
- Gutierrez-Gutierrez, L.; Barrales Molina, V. and Tamayo Torres, J. (2016): ¿The knowledge transfer process in Six Sigma subsidiary firms¿, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.27, n.5/6, pp.613-627.
- Barrales-Molina, V.; Gutiérrez Gutierrez, L. and Lloréns Montes, F.J. (2015): Dynamic capabilities, human resources and operating routines: a new product development approach. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol.115, n.8, pp.1388-1421.
- Ahmad M.; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J. and Muñoz Rosas, J.F. (2014): Total quality management practices, competitive strategies and financial performance: the case of the Palestinian industrial SMEs. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.25, n.5/6, pp.635-649.
- Tamayo-Torres J.; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J. and Ruiz Moreno, A. (2014): The Relationship between Exploration and Exploitation Strategies, Manufacturing Flexibility, and Organizational Learning: An Empirical Comparison between Non-ISO and ISO Certified Firms. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol.232, n.1, pp.72-86.
- Barrales Molina, V.; Bustinza Sánchez, O.F. and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J. (2013): Explaining the causes and effects of dynamic capabilities generation: a multiple indicator multiple case modeling approach. British Journal of Management. Vol.24, n.4, pp.571-591.
- Fernández Pérez, Virginia and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo (2013): External managerial networks, strategic flexibility and organizational learning: A comparative study between Non-QM, ISO and TQM firms. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.24, n.3/4, pp.243-258.
- Cabezas Puges, D.; Gutiérrez Gutierrez, L. and Lloréns Montes, F.J. (2013): Transactive Memory System and QM: Exploring Knowledge capacities. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol. 113, n.2, pp.294-318.
- Jiménez-Barrionuevo, M.M.; García-Morales, V.J. and Gutierrez Gutierrez, L. (2012): Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation. Journal of Business Research. Vol.65, n.7, pp.1040-1050.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L.J.; Bustinza Sánchez, O.F. and Barrales Molina, V. (2012): Six Sigma, absorptive capacity and organizational learning orientation. International Journal of Production Research. Vol.50, n.3, pp.661-675.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo and Fernández Pérez, Virginia (2010): Managerial networks and strategic flexibility: A QM perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems. Vol.110, n.8, pp.1192-1214.
- Bustinza Sánchez, Óscar; Arias Aranda, D. and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L. (2010): Outsourcing, competitive capabilities and performance: an empirical study in service firms. International Journal of Production Economics. Vol.126, n.2, pp.276-288.
- Bustinza Sánchez, Óscar; Molina Fernández, L.M. and Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L. (2010): Outsourcing as seen from the perspective of knowledge management. Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol.46, n.3, pp.23-39.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo J.; Tamayo Torres, I. and Barrales Molina, V. (2010): Quality Management Initiatives in Europe: an Empirical Analysis according to Their Structural Elements. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Vol.21, n.6, pp.577-601.
- Tamayo Torres, Ignacio; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo J. and Haro Domínguez, María del Carmen (2010): Innovation and operative real options as ways to affect organisational learning. International Journal of Technology Management. Vol.49, n.4, pp.421-438.
- Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Leopoldo J., Lloréns-Montes F.J. and Bustinza Sánchez, Óscar (2009): Six Sigma: From a goal-theoretic perspective to shared-vision development. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol.29, n.2, pp.151-169.
Other data
1. Vicepresidente de la Asociación Solidaria Andaluza de Desarrollo (ASAD), una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja en el ámbito de la Cooperación al Desarrollo en países como Camboya, Guinea Bissau, Guatemala y Cabo Verde. También, se llevan a cabo proyectos de Educación para el Desarrollo, sensibilización e investigación, en el ámbito local. www.asad.es
2. Miembro de la empresa Premyer Sports Management & Consulting, orientada a la gestión deportiva. Diagnóstico e implantación de programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en entidades deportivas, desarrollo de negocio, gestión de eventos deportivos y servicios personalizados a profesionales del deporte. www.http://premyersports.com/
2. Miembro de la empresa Premyer Sports Management & Consulting, orientada a la gestión deportiva. Diagnóstico e implantación de programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en entidades deportivas, desarrollo de negocio, gestión de eventos deportivos y servicios personalizados a profesionales del deporte. www.http://premyersports.com/